Monday, January 15, 2007

Why blog?

Its not easy to write a post on the blog each day, there is a lot of thought that has to go in what you want to share.. and the best time to do that.. well i guess when nature calls..

Starting a blog made me think, why do writers need a blog in today's sceanario, and there can be several reasons:

What do we understand of a blog? we think it as a journal of our thoughts, opinions, views etc. like a web diary..but actually speaking, its the best and the fastest way to get an audience who are diverse and geographically spread.

Blogs are SUPERIOR content management systems, that serve as basis of search engines to attract new visitors. For example, I am a frequent leisure traveller, if i need to understand the finer details while visiting a particular country, i search for blogs that provide such details.

Did u know that blogs are ranked higher on any search engines and even if you do not regularly update the blog, they still are revisited by the search engines?

Finally, blogs help you to create a presence on the internet not only to voice out what you say but maybe to promote yr business or even to generate revenue.

So what are u waiting for, if you want to blog, well u have all the advantages for a go ahead, while i cannot commnet on any adverse effects, only if u get successful, popular and moneyed and u do not know how to handle such fame and moolah, u can get in serious trouble!!

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